Re: Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?

Level 10

Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?



Hi all,


is there any way to manipulate this landing page fallback?




Level 5

Re: Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?

Did you consider using a redirect ruleAdmin > Landing Pages > Rules 



Jack Siebert
Level 10

Re: Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?

Well, that would be brutally complicated, wouldn't it? 😉

I'd rather thought of a general "Webinar Registration is closed now" page that I would use as a redirect after any webinar reg page has expired. With redirect rules, I'd have to create potentially hundreds of single redirections.

Level 10

Re: Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?

I'm not aware of a way to change the Fallback page at the asset level using the Set Expiration feature -- this seems like an obvious gap in the design here and maybe would make for a great Idea to suggest in the community?


I'm not sure if it's as good of a solution as you're after here, but let's assume there isn't a way to do this and you wanted to anyway, maybe I can help throw some ideas on the fire here to get the wheels turning?

To redirect a page, you could always set a metatag or use a script to redirect the page onLoad, something like these examples from Stack Overflow:


To implement the metatag or script, perhaps that could be added via a token in the <head> of the document? This would redirect the page, but wouldn't account for the expiration date to automate the solution -- you'd have to manually add it each time a webinar expired which seems less than ideal.... which means we'd need to know when a page "expired" somehow (which it looks like you'd be setting manually using the Set Expiration tool for each LP).


If you went the scripted-redirect route, maybe you could write the script with some tokens that you could update in your program folder to activate the redirect (or not) as well as to set the expiration date. I'd imagine that to follow a logic something like this:

  1. Create a couple of tokens: A) Set Expiration ON/OFF (true/false) and B) Expiration Date
  2. Write a script that included variables for the Set Expiration token value and Expiration Date value....
    first, look for the Set Expiration token value:
    -- if false, do nothing,
    -- if true look for the expiration date and compare it to today's dateTime. 
       >> if the current dateTime is greater than the Set Expiration dateTime, then redirect to your default LP for "Webinar Closed", else - do nothing

If you're using more than one global "Webinar Closed" page, you could also include a token for the href of the redirect in the script and set that token at the program level while you're at it.


I think there'd be a delay in the page loading initially and then redirecting but maybe this is a step in the direction of an automated solution?

Level 10

Re: Local Asset Expiration - any way to change the fallback page?

Thanks Dave! I created the idea (although my optimism that this leads to a change is rather limited).


And thanks for your ideas. I know that date tokens plus javascript magic can do a lot of things here, but this time I was looking for something lean and simple that any marketer could instantly deploy.