Re: Loading List

Not applicable

Loading List

Please, I do need some help here! I cannot load lists on marketo properly. It always says part of the list failed. Sometimes it represents over 95% of the leads. I am using cvs file, separating the info w commas, filling w the basic infos like email address, name, title and country. What am i doing wrong?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Loading List

There's a related thread.

  • When the error happens, are you downloading the list of errors from the dialog box?
  • Which errors?
  • Have you saved CSV in UTF8?
  • Are there bad characters in the database already (hard to spot)?
  • Can you try to edit the CSV in a special text editor that's cleaner than notepad or Excel? You can spot mistakes there sometimes.
Not applicable

Re: Loading List

Hi Josh- thanks for your attention. I reckon the cause is related to the way I spell the countries. How should I spell Brazil, Mexico and Colombia? BR, MX, CO? Is it default or I can set up how I want to spell them on Marketo?