list upload values upload as [unknown]

Level 2

list upload values upload as [unknown]

Hello Marketo Community,

I uploaded a lead list which contained company name. However, the company name came through as '[unknown]'

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 3.14.07 PM.png

This happened to about half of the leads on the list:

Screen Shot 2019-05-17 at 3.13.52 PM.png

Can anyone provide insight as to why the company values were not populated as uploaded?

Thanks in advance!

Level 2

Re: list upload values upload as [unknown]

Hi Milly,

Can you provide a screen shot of the list field names and MKTO field name mapping in the "Import Preview" prior to import?


Marketo Employee

Re: list upload values upload as [unknown]

Is this a list of Contacts synced with a CRM? If so, you can't update Account level fields in Marketo.  You'll have to make those changes in your CRM.