Re: List Imports: I want to see if they are already in marketo and their unsub status before uploading

Level 2

List Imports: I want to see if they are already in marketo and their unsub status before uploading

I have a list of contacts and I want to see if these folks are already in marketo, and if they are, what their unsub status is.

I don't necessarily want to then have those contacts in the system, so I was just wondering if there is a way to manage that?

I suppose I can upload the list and then simply delete it after, but I am not sure if those contacts will still be in the database.

Any help on comparing lists to the database without uploading would be super helpful.

Marketo Employee

Re: List Imports: I want to see if they are already in marketo and their unsub status before uploading

Change your List Import mode to skip new people and updates. The list will just populate with people already in your database.


Level 6

Re: List Imports: I want to see if they are already in marketo and their unsub status before uploading

You can enter these contacts in the smartlist saying "email address: is " the list of contacts" and Unsubscribed is "True" now, if they already exist in database smartlist will give you the number of people and similarly you can do it for unsubscribed is "false" and the missing people does not exist in the database.