Re: LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

Level 2

LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

Hey there Nation,

Hoping I can get some advice from the community faster than supports replying back to me. Over the past few weeks my LinkedIn Matched audiences connection has been consistently breaking, as the authorized LinkedIn account keep getting replaced with "undefined undefined" within Launchpoint. Screenshot below. 

Annotation 2019-11-20 093539.png

I have re-authorized the account a few times, but its keeps breaking.

Has anyone seen this before and know a workaround?

Marketo Employee

Re: LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

I've not used this feature, but you may find some help on the LinkedIn side.

API Migration for Matched Audience Partners | Marketing Solutions Help  

Level 2

Re: LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

Blane McMichen Our instance wasn't even in production until March 2018, so no chance this is the issue, but thanks for digging into this!

Level 1

Re: LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

Hey Matt Reilly,

Try deleting the Linkedin Matched Audience Service from LaunchPoint Installed Services and re-add it. This worked for me.

Level 2

Re: LinkedIn Matched Audiences Authentication Error: "undefined undefined"

We tried this the first time, and it did work, but the authorization broke about a week later.