Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

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Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

Why does an empty browser window open (in addition to the email client) when I click on a hyperlinked email address in an email? Is this some sort of MKTO tracking mechanism?
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Re: Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

What does the html code look like for the link?
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Re: Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

How is your hyperlink tagged?  If your anchor text is linked like a web URL your browser will attempt to open the link in a new window.  Try using a 'mailto' link, i.e.
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Re: Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

This is what I'm using:
<a href="">Contact me</a>
Level 8

Re: Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

It probably has to do with the default mailer program that you have set up. When you click on a link like that, it opens up whatever you have set as your default email engine. If you haven't set that up, the system can often stall or automatically open a window as it's trying to access your email client.
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Re: Link to Email Address Opens Empty Browser Window

I'm getting feedback that this is not an ideal user experience, but it sounds like this is not something we can control. Thanks for the replies.