Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

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Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

I am looking to implement approximately 50 different follow-up page rules on a single Marketo form and before I start to implement, I was wondering if there was any limitations on the number of rules permitted in Marketo for a single form.

The download form will be used to gate a large number of whitepapers and other resources on the website and we would like to use only 1 form.

Any insight into this would be appreciated!

Thank you,

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Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

I don't think there is a hard limit, but that part of the interface get's really hard to manage. Any chance you could break it up to a few? Alternatively, you could have one thank-you page and then use Smart Campaigns to send the content via email- that should scale better to that size.
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Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

It would be great to know what the hard limit is for future reference. Would using segmentation and snippets with dynamic content on the one landing page work in this situation?
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Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

It's higher than you'd want to deal with on that screen. It just gets very hard to manage 50 or more "add choice" steps in a modal. Dynamic content isn't going to work because it won't know your segement instantly as you hit the landing page after the form.
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Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

Agree with Erik, this sounds like a bear to manage in the GUI.
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Re: Limitations to Follow-Up Page Rules?

Lyndsay hi, I'd be very interested to understand how you managed this in the end - I'm trying to do something similar with delivering gated content on our website after a form fillout. Could you please email you the best way to contact you. My email is