Re: Limit Assets to Workspace Using Is Any or Contains

Level 3

Limit Assets to Workspace Using Is Any or Contains

In a conundrum here, I have a situation where I need to score only on actions taken in a particular Workspace. If I use "Is Any" or "Contains" in the Campaign Triggers, it will include ALL of the Assets/Actions across all Workspaces. However, if I limit it to only selecting the Programs/Assets in the Workspace currently, then I will have to go in and update the Trigger values every time a new Program or Asset is created.

Has anyone run into this before?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Limit Assets to Workspace Using Is Any or Contains

A campaign can only act on Leads it can see within its WS and the Partition(s) it can see in that WS. If you are using a 1-1 WS/LS then there's really nothing to do here.

Understanding Workspaces and Person Partitions - Marketo Docs - Product Documentation

I am not aware of the ability for one WS to see the Assets of another WS. A WS can see multiple partitions and leads and act on the Activities for those leads. You can share Assets and maybe that's what you mean here?