I generated a Marketo report to show the number of leads generated in the last 2 months. How do I then custimize this to show per week for the last 2 months?
To drill down into which leads were created weekly in regards to a 2 month period, you'll want to create a Smart List or a separate Report for each of those weeks. Unfortunately, Analytics currently only has the ability to show a high overview of the statistics without the ability to drill down into them.
@Hanne V - I went into the set up for the report and do not see a group option. I will include a pic of what I am seeing. Where would I find grouping option?
You are working off a lead by status report that doesnt give you that option. i would create a lead Performance report that is grouped by week, then add custom columns that will show you how many are in what status. you do that by created a smart list for each staus and then adding it to your report in settings. it would look something like this. This is grouped by month then i added columns to show what lead source type they came from. Hope this helps.
Following up on Hanne's sage advice: 1. Create a Leads By Performance Report 2. SMARTLIST/ Acquisition Program Name is NOT EMPTY 3. SETUP/Group by Weeks, Months, Years, etc 4. You can also add Opp information in that report to