Excluding my customers that are in one list from a new list
I have a list of customers that I have previously sent emails. I am uploading a new list of prospects that may or may not contain my current customers. How can I set up a filter to include my new list, but at the same time not include any of my customers that may be in the new list by checking against the customer list?
Re: Excluding my customers that are in one list from a new list
Mark has it - you can also get more specific if you need to such as looking at email delivered - the list shows intent, but not that they actually got it - due to deliverability, marketing suspend, email throttle, etc.
Re: Excluding my customers that are in one list from a new list
So I tested that, I set it up like this... But the email still went to the leads that I put in the "Our benefits clients" that are also in the "Test Data.com" list. Do you know what I am doing wrong?
Re: Excluding my customers that are in one list from a new list
Somertimes dealing with this stuff is kind of like field stripping a M-16... I would start with looking at the number of people on both lists and then see if your Smart list created by using the two filters( above) is a sub-set...I ofter find the issue at that point. If that doesn't work i start looking at activity logs of the people getting the test that shouldn't...usually this is where I find the drama.