Re: Lead assignment best practices

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Lead assignment best practices

Our company is new to Marketo and SFDC. We are integrating both systems. Before I import all of our existing leads and contacts, I want to create new assignment rules / lead scores for all leads and contacts in both systems using the same assignment names. 

My question:
1. Are there resources on best practices for basic lead assignment "nomenclature?" I.e. when leads go through the sales funnel. anonymous-->prospect/known-->MQL-->SQL, etc.

2. Any othe guidance about SFDC and Marketo lead assignment syncs before we import all of our leads and contacts to SFDC and do the Marketo sync?
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Re: Lead assignment best practices

1) Check out sirius decisions: This is pretty much the standard for all companies. 

2) Don't over think it too much; just be sure your SFDC profile has all of the necessary fields and double check your field mapping before initiating the sync.