Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Last Interesting Moment Fields


We're trying to do some trigger based campaigns based on when these fields are update in marketo ( Data Value Change Trigger). Unfortunately these fields don't seem to be available in Marketo for triggers, and not as Smartlist filters. Has anyone been able to get around this?

Marketo Employee

Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields

I think you're looking for the has interesting moment trigger.

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields

Hi Kenny!

Thanks I found that trigger for when the value changes.

I'm trying to populate data from these fields in another field so this works for future changes once I turn on the trigger but what about values that already exist in this field?
I wanted to try to pull Last interesting moment desc is Not Empty but they don't come up for smartlists at all.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields

What exactly do you want the system to do? You can use Last Int Moment Desc as a token in a flow or email. I'm pretty sure that this is not available otherwise.

So you could push that value into another String field and use that.

Level 7 - Champion Alumni

Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields

We're trying to get it into RCE so to get around that we made a custom field to grab this base on trigger has interesting moment. However i'm having trouble populating the values currently in that field prior to turning on the trigger because of some limitations with these fields.