I cloned an exiting landing page and removed the munchkin code from the template.
The page layout is not working properly. I have a main banner in the middle of the page, with a form on the right hand side overlapping.
My form is being pushed down.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Munchkin should have no effect at all on layout unless someone did some really crazy, ill-advised CSS. It's just JavaScript.
Please post links to your page with Munchkin enabled and a clone with it disabled. We can't troubleshoot based on just a description.
Need URLs that are publicly accessible (approved LPs). Those URLs would require us to log in to your Mkto instance!
The HTML markup is different on those pages; the difference isn't only the removal of the <SCRIPT>.
Check the closing </DIV> on source line 992 and find the opening <DIV>.
Do you not think these styles, which exist on one page but not the other, are important?
.Form_1 {
position: relative !important;
float: right !important;
z-index: 10 !important;
width: auto !important;
padding: 0%;
margin-top: -350px;
height: auto;
Removal of the <SCRIPT> from the DOM should be the last thing you suspect when dealing with layout.
I added the css and nothing happened.
This isn't a Munchkin issue. You need to talk to your web developer about the HTML + CSS differences between the pages.
If you can prove that stripping the <SCRIPT> tag is the only difference between two pages that have different layouts, I'll take a look. So far it's been a wild goose chase with other differences between the pages. Like I said, you'd have to have some seriously suspicious CSS if removing Munchkin had any effect at all (as in CSS that specified an nth-child and expected the <SCRIPT> to be in the DOM, something like that).