So the required field function depends on javascript and if it is turned off or doesn't load for whatever reason, people are able to submit with empty required fields?
I'm having a similar issue myself. Leads are being created without email and I believe it has to do with a workaround I set up, to avoid "support" cases to fill out the business development contact us form
It's not a very elegant solution (because of my limited knowledge), but basically it does the following:
It seems it can happen that people don't fill out anything, select support case, then hit submit
A lead is created with utm fields complete (because they are hidden and pre-filled), but no name, or email address (especially this one is weird)
Here is the landing page: Contact us: Can we help you? Please, tell us about your enquiry! | Fon
When you use Visibility Rules, you're actually removing the fields from the form, not "hiding" them (despite the name). So fields that aren't shown aren't required. This makes sense, of course: there's no way a form could work otherwise.
To do what you want requires a line of JavaScript to validate that Support Case is not "yes" upon submission.
When you use Visibility Rules, you're actually removing the fields from the form, not "hiding" them (despite the name). So fields that aren't shown aren't required.
I didn't know about that, thanks! That would explain everything...
To do what you want requires a line of JavaScript to validate that Support Case is not "yes" upon submission.
Making it impossible for people to submit would help. If it's not too complex I might try to attempt it myself or ask for help with it.
I would rather just hide the submit button though, and leave a link for people to click on that redirects to the support center.
The purpose was to channel that kind of request to the right place automatically, as much as possible.
Thanks for the info and tips!
Hi Victor,
If the Email Address is hidden on a Marketo form, it will always create a new lead if the person's browser isn't already cookied. I strongly recommend against ever using a Marketo form without the Email Address field visible.
To be honest, your use case doesn't sound like what Marketo was designed for. I would recommend using a different kind of form for submission of support cases - one that posts to whatever database you use for tracking support cases (SFDC Service Cloud, ZenDesk, etc.), so it creates a case record there.
Victor's not allowing the case submissions, so that's okay (it's like when someone disables the Submit button for partners and suggests another means of contact).
Hi Grant, thanks for your suggestion.
As Sanford says, that form is not intended for support cases, but you know how angry people are... They will go great lengths to file their complaint and make everyone aware of how disappointed they are
They will even file it in the "wrong window", as is the case with our business development contact us form
I just wanted to discourage support cases by hiding as much of the form as possible and redirecting to the support center, but since I didn't hide the submit button, I was getting incomplete records on my CRM
Ahhh my misunderstanding, sorry about that. Good luck!
And the JS is like so:
var currentValues = form.getValues();
form.submittable(currentValues.contactussupport == "no");
(Of course you'd need to coordinate this logic with other custom form logic, as applicable.)