Hi guys,
I made two landing pages...the first one has a Form that a user would fill out, then hit Download . Once hitting download, it will take the user to Landing Page 2, which says "Thanks for Downloading" and prompts the user to download the content (PDF brochure).
I added an HTML code to do this, and tried a few different codes to accomplish this.
I started to notice that any change I made, it would not make a difference when I preview the landing page.
So then I took out the HTML block completely and it is still doing this.
Next step, I cloned the page and renamed it. Unfortunately, this still does the same thing. Looks like I broke the LP and I can't find a way to make it stop automatically open the PDF even with the HTML block taken out.
Is there any way to remedy this?
Do I have to start over?
How can I avoid this in the future when I am testing HTML on landing pages?