Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Should a non-developer be touching this code, though? Anyway, I think

  if (${trackingEnabled})

is really easy to understand. And less prone to typos.

Level 10

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Or maybe :

if (!${trackingEnabled})

Non developper are not supposed to touch this, BUT I see Marketo admins at my customer who sometimes dig into template code... Or a couple who took the initiative to "correct" the code we had provided.


Marketo Employee

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Just for thoughts...

I have put code like this into a token and then included it in the landing page if I desire it.

(It doesn't prevent someone from changing the content of the token, but it is another option.)

Level 10

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Hi Blane,,

You might find this interesting : Best way to add a script in a guided landing page


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

But deleting the cookie *entirely* prevents any pages from being logged under the browser's primary user, which may not be desirable (I still want my partners to have their activity logged, I just don't want them logging hits under their referral leads).

Level 5

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Thanks for all the responses everyone!

We have embedded the form onto a page on our website.

Sanford Whiteman​ thanks for sharing the article. If I am not using a Landing Page, will the script work if I paste it above the form embed code?

Thanks again!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Below, not above.

Level 5

Re: Kiosk mode for forms - Can you turn off munchkin code tracking for forms?

Thank you Sanford, I've added the code.