Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

Level 2

Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

If user subscribed for particular smart list using form that subscription should be as it is while cheking for antother subcription.

Eg: I have Daily_announcement and Weekly_announcement smart list and user is subscribing into it using form fields Daily and Weekly. Now if user Subscribed for Both Daily and Weekly then we can see entry in both smart list but next time if user checked only Weekly from form and subscribe then  entry for Daily is removing from Daily_announcement smart list for same user and only remain in Weekly_announcement.

I need help to keep prior selection as it is in smart list.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

It sounds like -- if I'm understanding your situation -- this doesn't actually have to do with Smart Lists, nor subscriptions to Smart Lists.

If you're only allowing the lead to be in Daily or Weekly, but not both, at any time, you will not be able to have a current Smart List that "remembers" which one they used to be in.

What datatype is this field?  And what form field type is it using on your form? Provide screenshots and as much detail as possible.

Level 2

Re: Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

Thanks Sanford your time, We have one form on that that has Daily, Weekly checkboxes and other fields also. User may check Daily or Weekly or Both and submit the form.

1 scenario:- First time user check both Daily and Weekly and Submit then we can see particular email ID into both smart list Daily_subscription and Weekly_subscription.

2. scenario:- Second time user visit same form and only check Weekly then we can only see email ID in Weekly_subscription smart list and removed from Daily_subscrioption

So we need to preserve prior subscription for any smart list. That is Daily_subscrioption should also show abc@pqr.xyzemail ID even though user not checking second time for Daily.

1. Custom field to store Daily announcement is announcement_subscription and for Weekly announcement is newsletter_subscription and datatype is boolean. PFA 1mk_fields.png

2. Created Daily_Announcement smart list using announcement_subscription field and for Weekly_Announcement smart list using newsletter_subscription field. PFA 2mk_smart_list.png

3. In form we are using announcement_subscription and newsletter_subscription as checkboxes form field. PFA 3mk_form_field.png

4. Finally we are using this form in one landing page and providing subscription URL to end user for subscription.

This form has other portion with checkboxes that also has same behaviour like Daily and Weekly

Ex: If user checked for APAC and EMEA region first time and second time only APAC then user email ID only visible in APAC smart list.

We need to preserve prior selection because user can visit form any no. of time and can subscribe for more servises but previous selection should be there.

Please visit,&m=529-CRE-717

Thanks in advance.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

but next time if user checked only Weekly from form and subscribe then entry for Daily is removing from Daily_announcement smart list for same user...

Are you saying that if somebody doesn't check Daily -- or they deliberately UNcheck after it is Pre-Filled as checked -- you want to ignore their preference?

Level 2

Re: Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

Next time if user not check or deliberately UNcheck their previous selection then also entry should not remove from Daily_announcement.

"We currently have a form ( hosted on that is connected to the lists located under “Reports” in the attachment labeled “Existing Smart Lists”. Currently, site visitors use that form to subscribe to Regional Newsletters by selecting the checkbox corresponding to the newsletter, entering their email address, and submitting the form. From my understanding, if a user was to subscribe to a newsletter and then subsequently access the form and subscribe to a completely different newsletter, their prior subscription(s) would not be retained. Only their most recent subscription is captured by Marketo and all other prior subscriptions are removed. Essentially, overriding all prior subscriptions and automatically removing them from the list(s).

In addition, we would like to add a couple checkboxes (Daily and Weekly) to the form hosted on (see “Updated Form” attachment) and add additional smart lists to Marketo (see “Daily Announcement Smart List” and “Weekly Announcement Smart List” attachments). While testing the new additions, we uncovered the issue of prior subscriptions not being retained.

I hope this clarifies the existing problem we are having and what we are trying to achieve. I’m more than happy to provide more detail and/or discuss."

FROM client.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Keep prior subscription of smart list as it is when user subscribed next time

OK, this still doesn't have to do with "Smart Lists" and I think we should stop using that term as it makes it seem like it's a filtering criteria problem when it's about the underlying data -- you can't filter by things that aren't there.

It sounds like what you must do is Pre-Fill existing subscriptions into the page so they're always included. If there's some reason you can't do this, then only have proxy fields on your forms, not the real fields. Use Smart Lists to check the values of the current fields and either overwrite or append (or ignore) the proxy field values accordingly.