I have some responsive styles in the head of my email code. How do I keep Marketo from stripping the head out of my email? or Where do I put the style tag contents?
Marketo should (keyword: should) honor any styling you have in your HTML header. It does like to mutate inline styles, however, and it might be stripping classes or conditional code. Do you have screenshots of what's happening you could share? Is the code Marketo's actually delivering to the inbox missing those styles?
Are you checking how the styling is rendering in a Gmail inbox by chance? Gmail strips the HEAD out of emails for everybody.
Majority of email clients will strip the head of the email, hence the point of inlining. If you're not familiar with writing "email HTML" you may need to brush up on some of the practices.
*Side note: A inliner is a great way to write clean code in a header format style and possess a second file with inlined coding. The inliner strips the header and inserts it into your email for you. Ink: Email CSS Inliner is amazing. But becareful some of the inliners have little corks that may actually break your code. For example email chimp doesn't output code in a XHTML -1 strict format.