Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

Level 2

Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

I have created a landing page template using Unlayer, a WYSIWYG email and web page builder. The goal of this landing page is for registrants to confirm or deny their attendance prior to an event. Based on the contact's selection, the information will feed over to a Custom Object telling us the name of the event, date, location, and event status (attended, cancelled) of that contact. The landing page looks fine, but isn't functional. It's giving a 402 error when I try to enter my email and click the buttons. 


I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction on how I can accomplish this. I have access to developers, but they aren't very familiar with Marketo, so the more information I'm able to provide, the better. 


In addition to the code below, I have created the Custom Object for Events, and have fields under the Custom Object for Event Name, Event Date, Event Location, and Event Status. I would like the Event Name to be dynamically populated based on the token used under the Events folder in Marketing Activities. The token we are currently using is {{my.Title of Event}}. 


I have redacted the API Token from the code below due to security purposes, but everything else is the same. My biggest goal right now is testing this landing page to ensure the information is populating inside of the Custom Object. 


Thank you!



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

Under no circumstances can you connect directly to the REST API from a browser. The fact that you redacted the API token should give you a hint as to why! It would be a security catastrophe.

Let's take a step back. Why have you decided to use COs for this instead of Program Statuses and PMCFs? Please provide complete details about how you got here.

Level 2

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

Hi! So sorry for the delay, I must not be receiving notifications. I've been checking my email thinking no one had seen my question yet. 


We are looking for a way to track event attendees or those who have registered but cancel. My solution is to send an email 15 minutes prior to the event asking the contact to confirm their attendance. I thought a solution could be to create a custom object for Events with the event name, event date, and event status. This, to my understanding, would show up on the contact information page and would enable us to see which events a contact has attended or cancelled. I thought this could be a good solution instead of having a bunch of new fields created for each event. 


I thought I had an understanding of what custom objects could be used for and wasn't aware that I could create a program status or PMCF (I was unsure of what that stood for until I read your post). We don't currently have Munchkin code installed or a CRM or database connected to our Marketo instance, so in the past, we would rely on a manager to send the list of attendees via CSV file so I could import the list into Marketo and mark them as attended/cancelled. 

If you have any suggestions or guidance on how I can achieve this, I'd be so grateful. I'm doing my best, but clearly getting pretty lost in this scenario. 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

The standard way to track event registration (invited/registered/cancelled) and participation (attended/no-show) is using Program Statuses. It's very rare that you'd want to do that with COs. The exception is if you wanted the COs to live on after you completely delete a program, but even in that case you'd use the the program as well.
Level 10 - Community Advisor

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

@ameliamarie ,

I think you need to take a step back here (Putting my BA hat on here).  

Even if someone confirms attendance, it's still no guarantee that they'll attend.

Are these events in person, or webinar based? 



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

@ameliamarie did you see my response here?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Issues creating an event check-in landing page - Need help with code

@ameliamarie please return to your thread and check responses.