Hi All,
I've made a form with visibility rules (Show State/Province if Country=United States or Canada) and the form is functioning properly with one exception: the hint text in the State/Province field is missing:
But the rules appear to be set up correctly:
Does anyone have any ideas why the hint text would not be showing? The states and provinces are all there and everything works fine - it's just strange to see an empty field.
Please move the thread to Products to continue.
Done. I'd like to point out that the two options really don't make sense. Thanks.
I'd like to point out that the two options really don't make sense.
I don't disagree (nothing would be lost by having the names be clearer, like "Peer-to-Peer Marketo Product Support" vs. "General Marketing Discush (not Marketo-specific)" but we have to keep it organized.
In any case, this is a known forms quirk. Fix it with this little bit of JS: MktoForms2 :: VRs and Select
Hey Sanford,
I am having the same issue as Matt. I've tried adding your JS code you mentioned above but it doesn't seem to work for some reason. I added the <script> tag around it and replaced it with our form info but I can't get it to work. The country field still shows no default value.
Here's the JS I used:
MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-sj07.marketo.com", "053-MXJ-131", 11203);
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) {
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0],
selectEls = formEl.querySelectorAll('SELECT');
MktoForms2.whenRendered(function(form) {
var newSelectEls = formEl.querySelectorAll('SELECT:not([data-default-visible])');
[].forEach.call(newSelectEls, function(select) {
var phOption = select.querySelector('OPTION[value=""]');
phOption.textContent = formEl.querySelector('LABEL[for="' + select.id + '"]').lastChild.textContent;
Is there anything else I am missing? Any possibility the dev team can fix this in an upcoming release?