Re: Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?

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Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?


I want to know how long did it normally take for my bought contacts to start engaging with us. Which means I have to know when was the first time each contact opened any email. I can only see this data in individual activity log. Is there any way I can download all the activity log for a smart list of people? Or is there other way I can know the time of first time opens?

Thanks so much!!
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Re: Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?

Hi Oscar! You can create a custom field to date/time stamp when the activity occurred and run reports off of the field. Hope this helps!
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Re: Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?

Thanks Michelle! If uses this way, does it mean that I won't be able to get historical data?

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Re: Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?

One option to download all the activity log for a smart list of people would be SOAP API's getLeadActivity.

You can limit the response to include only those activity types relevant to the business requirement.
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Re: Is there any way I can download the activity log for a group of my contacts?

Hi Oscar! You can create two custom fields to store the the first time the activity occurred (which you would block from being updated) and the most recent (which gets updated with the latest value).