Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?

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Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?

We were experimenting with some campaigns that assigned Salesforce tasks based on certain actions (form fill outs, etc.). We have since decided that this did not work well for us, so we went in and deleted this step in the flow from all of our campaigns that had this, or so we thought.

We got an email today from someone asking about a task as it had been assigned to them AFTER we deleted this flow step. I am trying to find if we left this step in somewhere. I have looked everywhere I can think of but can't find it. Any ideas on how I can find the campaign that is triggering this task? Or is it a possibility that tasks are still being created even though I have deleted this action?

Any help is appreciated!
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Re: Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?


There is a Treasure Chest feature that is designed exactly to address your question. It is called "Campaign Inspector". Go to Admin > Treasure Chest to enable this feature. 

Reload the browser and then go to "Marketing Activities". You will now see a Campaign Inspector tab. Then type in "Add Task" in the search box on the bottom. It will show all Smart Campaigns that have an "Add Task" flow step. So if you missed one, this is how you can locate and remove it. 


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Re: Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?

Hi Rachel!

Find a lead and look it up in lead database. Then click on the prospect and look at the activity detail. You will see that a task has been created, might be quicker if you filter by SFDC, then you can see which program is triggering the task.

Call me if you need more help 🙂

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Re: Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?

Thanks Sierra.

Guess there is a glitch then... I have a specific contact name that I am using to investigate this. Looked at his history - doesn't show that task has been created in the Marketo activity history, but it is definitely there in Salesforce. Looked at all the campaigns he is a member of and nothing 😞

Wondered if it was a scoring or lead lifecycle campaign that was triggering it off something general like "filled out form" but can't find anything in those campaigns either.
Level 10

Re: Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?


There is a Treasure Chest feature that is designed exactly to address your question. It is called "Campaign Inspector". Go to Admin > Treasure Chest to enable this feature. 

Reload the browser and then go to "Marketing Activities". You will now see a Campaign Inspector tab. Then type in "Add Task" in the search box on the bottom. It will show all Smart Campaigns that have an "Add Task" flow step. So if you missed one, this is how you can locate and remove it. 


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Re: Is there a wayto find out what campaign is prompting a Salesforce task?

Awesome Jep, thank you!