Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

When a lead visits our web pages from Google Adwords, we capture the 'gclid' parameter into a cookie value.  Then when the lead fills out a form, we write that value into a hidden form field and update a Marketo field.  This allows us to submit the gclid value back to Google after an offline conversion to attribute the conversion to a specific ad. 

Frequently though we get an Adwords visit without a form submission, and we can't capture this value.  In the detail of every web page visit in a lead's Activity Log are Query Parameters associated with that visit including the 'gclid' parameter.  Is there a way to capture this value into a Marketo field without a form submission?  The result would be similar to Marketo capturing the referrer URL and query parameters into the Original Referrer field on the first web page visit.
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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

I've had success using Javascript to put the value in a custom cookie and then more JS to pull the value and stick it in a form field when the lead does fill out the form. Not perfect, and it doesn't catch all your cases, but not bad either.

Others may have some interesting approaches as well.
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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Sounds like you want to add GCLID data to Anonymous leads' records in Marketo?
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Thanks Erik,  that is what we are currently doing, but the field value can only be updated when a form is submitted.  Since Marketo is already capturing the Query Parameters in each Web Page Visit activity, I was hoping there was a way to grab that info from the activity and update the field.

One possible thought is to create an extermal program that would use the API to extract the Web Page Visit activities each day into a file, parse the data to extract the gclid and write the value into an appropriate field.  Is this possible or is there an easier way to accomplish this?
Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Jason, I want to add the gclid value to Anonymous and Known lead records without needing a form submission.
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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

You know, right now there isn't a good way to write this kind of data to anon leads. Definitely something I want to make better in the future, but I don't have a good alternative play.
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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

I am trying to do the same thing! I want to capture the query parameters from the URL and put them in a field so I can attribute a lead to the proper source. I use Google's URL builder to insert the campaign parameters and I want to be able to see it in Marketo and then pass it back to GA. In other words, it's not enough to see that the original referrers is LinkedIn. I need to see that it was a particular Sponsored Update campaign in LinkedIn. Is there a way to do this?
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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Sanford Whiteman​ is this still an unresolved issue? I am in dire need of a solution for this problem right now.

I should add that I only need to be able to do this for existing leads.

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Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Never mind, I think I found what I needed. In "visited web page" there is a "querystring" constraint.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to update a lead field with the Query Parameter from web page visits?

Actually this was the other Sanford Whiteman's question ( ! ) but my answer would be to perform a hidden form post if you want to update a custom field on the lead.  There's nothing that stops you from using the forms API in this way.