Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

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Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

My instance is not connected to a CRM and I manually import all of our data into Marketo.  I recently just sent out an email from the lead owners, is there a way I can see who responded to the email in Marketo?
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Level 8

Re: Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

By responded, do you mean 'reply-to'? You can't actually track that with our without a CRM, unless you have a generic inbox which you can track.
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

Stay tuned: in Q2 we plan to release our internal tool for tracking replies in Mkto as a public (SaaS) app.

But Kristen M is completely correct, there's nothing built-in to do this.
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Re: Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

Was this released yet Sanford Whiteman​??

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

Hi!  We looked more critically at the projected spend to get our in-house solution out there and decided it was out of reach for awhile -- not really because of the technology itself, but because of the vast scale of uninteresting traffic we'd be processing and forwarding, like OoO messages.

Maintaining reliability and performance on par with every customer's MX server(s) made it difficult, frankly, to figure out a price point -- imagine we're receiving 10,000 replies but from your standpoint, there are only a handful of interesting ones (and some of those are probably "Get me off this list!").

So we had tabled the project indefinitely, but we are now looking at rewriting the core tech using open-source software -- it currently is a Microsoft Exchange plugin, so it carries a cost burden at scale -- and in turn the project will be feasible again (also shout out to Justin Norris​ on this).  So I guess we're back in "stay tuned" mode, which is better than "Nevruary," right?  

We appreciate your continued interest and would love to talk about your expectations.  I just followed you on the Community.  Want to follow me back, and then we can chat about it?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Is there a way to see who reply's to an email?

Good news Sandy!