Re: Is there a way to recall a message that has gone out?

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Is there a way to recall a message that has gone out?

Is there a way to recall a message that has gone out?

I had a program send out an email this morning, but I thought I had unapproved it.


Community Manager

Re: Is there a way to recall a message that has gone out?

Hello Carol,

There isn't a way to recall email if it has already been sent.  You can abort campaigns/email programs that are currently in the process of sending, but emails that have already been sent can't be recalled.

Level 10

Re: Is there a way to recall a message that has gone out?

If it's delivered, then the damage is done.

You can be creative about how you communicate after that—for example, if you clone the email template and the email content that was sent out, adding your own line and communication above that email, email clients (e.g., Gmail) will treat it as another message in the same reply thread. In that message, you can craft a creative apology. If it hit a large chunk of the database, that could be worthwhile. It also depends on how "wrong" the email communication was. If it's over-communication or slightly wrong, people might not notice. If every line is Lorem Ipsum, then more would notice.

If it's a high-impact mistake, I'd go the route of cloning the email template and content and adding your own apology communication on top of that. That way it will be grouped into the same thread as the erroneous message for good context, and it won't have the very undesirable effect of feeling like an erroneous email and then another email doubling up on over-communication.
