Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Level 2

Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

MY QUESTION: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

MY HOPE: I'm hoping there is a way to do this without having to create a form for each question, and a corresponding landing page for each also.

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Level 9

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Hi Gabby Owens​,

When you say "form questions", are you referring to form fields? And just to clarify, do you want 1 form with several form fields, but place the same form on different pages in a way that each page shows only the desired field/question? Would be really helpful if you could elaborate more on the requirement.

Best Always,

Karan Hari

Karan Hari
Senior Product Manager - Marketo Engage
Level 2

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Hi, Karan Hari​:

Yes, form questions = form fields.

Also yes- want 1 form with several form fields, but place the same form on different pages in a way that each page shows only the desired field/question.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

You have just described the Progressive Profiling feature to a T! Read more about it in the docs and try it out.

Level 9

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Hi Sanford Whiteman​,

Progressive profiling can work if it is the same form being used in the same page. In which case, each field can be progressively shown as and when the user visits. But In this case, I think what Gabby is asking is - Say there are 10 pages and only 1 form (With 10 pick list fields), each field is a different question with a different set of picklist.

The desired outcome is to place this form in those 10 different pages with the requirement that each page should show only 1 desired field, in the respective pages. So if 1,2,3 are the respective LPs and ABC are respective form fields, the preferred outcome is to have LP1 with form fiield A , LP2 with Form field B , LP3 with form field C and so on, Keeping in mind that Gabby wants to use only 1 form for all these pages. In my opinion, I think this would require the use of Javascript. But again, I have limited knowledge on javascript, so cant say for sure.

Best Always,

Karan Hari

Karan Hari
Senior Product Manager - Marketo Engage
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

(You don't have to tag me if I'm already on the thread!)

Progressive profiling can work if it is the same form being used in the same page.

ProgPro works across all pages that the form is on. In fact ProgPro fields are regarded as filled in regardless of what form (or not a form at all) sourced the data.

If the revealed questions depend specifically on the page, i.e. Question 5 on pages A and M, Question 6 on page C, Question 7 on Pages B and E, then this can't be done with ProgPro because it doesn't have a field order (the "progressive" part). If the pages differ by query string, then you still wouldn't need JS, because you could use Visibility Rules and a hidden field.  However, if the pages are not distinguished by query string but rather by the full page path/filename, you would need minimal assistance from JS (to fill a hidden field which in turns could be used in VRs).

If you're right that there is no order to the questions intended, then we don't have the full picture from the OP yet.

Level 2

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Karan Hari I just want form questions to show on 1 page at a time. I am doing a survey, but don't want all of the survey/form questions to show at once. I just want the user to see 1 question at a time.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Then sounds like you want out-of-the-box Progressive Profiling to me.

Level 9

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

Hi Gabby Owens​,

In that case, Like Sanford mentioned, this can most certainly be achieved by using Progressive Profiling. Here is a Link to Marketo product docs​ , that can shed further light on how to use progressive profiling in Marketo form

Best Always,

Karan Hari

Karan Hari
Senior Product Manager - Marketo Engage
Level 2

Re: Is there a way to put form questions on different pages, so that the forms don't look so long?

You can do it by creating your own HTML form, you will have an HTML page with different div tags, in each div you will add each question and you are going to hide/show them, at the final question you will have the submit button which will then send all the information to the Marketo form using the js-api: