Is there a way to clone a LP from one working partition (workspace) to another?

Level 6 - Champion Alumni

Is there a way to clone a LP from one working partition (workspace) to another?

I know that you cannot clone directly from one workspace to another. The template I need to use is in a different workspace than the one the campaign needs to be set up in. How can I get that template cloned into a different workspace?

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Re: Is there a way to clone a LP from one working partition (workspace) to another?

I would recommend putting it in a folder that you share with the workspace.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Is there a way to clone a LP from one working partition (workspace) to another?

If the asset is in a Program you can either Clone the Program across WS OR, use Import Program and look at Production, then the program. Otherwise, you have to use Kristen's method. Keep in mind that your LP and EM Templates should be in a Shared folder as well, otherwise this will break.