Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

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Level 3

Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Hey everyone,

Have a question for you all. We are getting ready to run a print ad. In the print ad, there is a URL that someone can type in. (for example). When they click it, it redirects to a Google UTM URL. We configured this URL so that we can track that click back to the paid print ad. Here's my question: Is it possible to run a report in Marketo to show us the actual people who typed in that ad?

If we use my example. Say I type that in and I'm known to ABCcompany's Marketo. Is there a way we can pull a report that says "Troy" clicked that link? I've reached out to support and haven't had much luck, so was hoping that someone here may know a bit more....




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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Pretty strange, Troy. If you remove the Querystring constrant (and filter by your lead to make it more concise) what do you see? Based on what I can see of your filters, they are now correct. No change there's an extra character at the end of the Querystring value?

P.S. Using the [contains] constraint on Querystring (rather than [is]) is for the case where extra query parameters are attached by search engines, et al. (you can't rely on your original query params being the only real-world params).

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Not sure I understand your setup: does the UTM-tagged URL not have anything that distinguishes it from other visits to the same page?

That is, are you using the same UTM tag set for visits to the page from other sources, and for some reason can't use different (or additional) query string parameters?

Level 3

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Hey Sanford Whiteman,

The UTM-Tags do function as a means for us to determine the referral. So, to answer your question yes - it does distinguish it from other visits to the same page. The page experience is the same, but from a reporting view it allows us to track it back to the ad. Basically using UTM_Source/UTM_Medium to track referrals.

To answer your part 2 question: no. Each set of visits to the page contain different UTM tags. Again, it's done so that we can ID the starting point (basically what ad drove the click). We could add additional query string parameters nothing is stopping us there. I'm not sure how using different query string parameters would help, but I guess we could do that too.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

But I don't get what you can't already see with a Smart List filtered on Visit Web Page. constrained by Query String [contains].

Level 3

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

The web page isn't a marketo page. It's a WordPress page tagged with Minchkin code. Could that be impacting this?

Here's the real info:

Initial link: --> which redirects to :

However when I do a Visits Web Page I see the following error:


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Take out the https://. Also use [contains] on the query string.

Level 3

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Ok so I've pulled that out. I've gone through and visited the page:


However when I run the list I see no people...any ideas?


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Pretty strange, Troy. If you remove the Querystring constrant (and filter by your lead to make it more concise) what do you see? Based on what I can see of your filters, they are now correct. No change there's an extra character at the end of the Querystring value?

P.S. Using the [contains] constraint on Querystring (rather than [is]) is for the case where extra query parameters are attached by search engines, et al. (you can't rely on your original query params being the only real-world params).

Level 3

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

Hey Sandy,

Thanks for the Querystring note. Appreciated. Will use that tidbit moving forward 🙂

With respect to your initial comment: Feel like an idiot. Extra space at the end. It now works perfectly. Sorry to have wasted your time, mate. The help you provide to everyone here is so appreciated.

Take care,


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Is It Possible To See Someone Who Clicked A Redirect Link?

No prob!