Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Level 2

is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

We want to be able to pass the referrer url details from a form fill, into a notification email to send out to our sales team. I know this can be done into a field within a triggered smart campaign using trigger tokens, but have yet to find a way to pass this into an email. Would this just be a case of having the field populated via a smart campaign, and then picking up this field within the email? Or can it be done without the use of additional fields?


Stephen Popple
Tags (2)
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Use the {{trigger.token}}.

Level 2

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Hi Sanford,

Thanks for the response, but the referrer url does not appear to be an option in the available tokens within the email. The token works fine for change data value within a flow, but does not appear in the list of email tokens. I have tried adding the referrer and web page to the constraints, to see if this then pulls the token in, but it still does not appear.



Hopefully i am just missing something obvious?

Stephen Popple
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Never mind the dropdown. Put the token in an alert and test.

Level 2

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Hi, I just tried using the {{trigger.token}} in an alert email and nothing displayed. Is this there another method?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

Which token exactly?

Level 2

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email


In your previous post, you included the following:

Use the {{trigger.token}}.

I tried that one, but it did not work.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: is it possible to pass referrer url from form fill into a notification email

I mean {{trigger.web page}} or {{trigger.referrer}}. ({{trigger.token}} was shorthand, like {{lead.token}}).