Intelligent progressive profiling form

Level 3

Intelligent progressive profiling form

Hello every body; 

I need some help. My wonderful  draw wiil explain the situation. 


In my nurturing programm I need information such as postal code / Industry / Phone number. 

If I create 3 forms with progresive profiling (see above), does my reflexion will works ?

Action 1 : my prospect fills the form on the left and gives his postal code

Action 2 : 2 days after, the same propect fills the middle form and gives his industry

Action 3 : 2 days after, the same prospect fills the right form. Marketo detects that he has already postal code and industry, so he asks phone number. 

Does it correct ? If no, what I need to do for these results ? 

Tnanks for your feed back ! 


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Intelligent progressive profiling form

Progressive Profiling follows 3 simple rules:

  • only empty ProgPro fields are displayed (n.b. an unchecked checkbox is "empty" for these purposes)
  • a maximum of N empty ProgPro fields are displayed at once (where N is set in Form Editor)
  • fields in the ProgPro block are displayed from top to bottom

So your drawing where fields appear to change order is not possible out of the box.

However, I don't see why that's necessary for operation, since in fact the filled fields won't be shown at all.