Integration - Snowflake data

Not applicable

Integration - Snowflake data

Hi ,

We are trying to connect snowflake to marketo to retrieve on a daily basis all the campaigns data and stored into our database. But we don´t see the way to do that... Can somebody give us a hand?

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,


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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

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This is far too expansive a question for a simple Community thread, though.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

If you don't have a lot of tech resources to build/maintain custom ELT, then you may want to look at services like Stitch or Fivetran. Both have Marketo and Snowflake connectors out of the box and a non-developer can be up and running in an hour or two.

Level 8

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

Hey David,

It would also be a good idea to reach out to your Customer Success Manager at Marketo so that they can pull in the relevant teams to help assist with your questions regarding integrations.



Not applicable

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

Thanks! We have already integrated with REST API method, no worries.

Level 2

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

Hi ,

Could you please help how you integrated the snowflake with Marketo ?

What resources you followed.
Level 8

Re: Integration - Snowflake data

Hi bimalbk,

I believe there is no direct intergration between Marketo and Snowflake. You would need to leverage the Marketo APIs (example we use the Bulk REST API to extract data via AWS and store it into snowflake - to extract the data out of Marketo and push it into snowflake, and vice versa, if you are looking to update records or objects in Marketo, you would need to leverage the APIs once again to update Marketo.

Hope that helps!