Integrating with SFDC, help!!

Level 2

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

I'll echo what a lot of people have said here - fields are important. A few things to consider:

  • Standard Marketo and Salesforce fields will sync during the integration, but custom fields won't - are there important fields in Marketo that will also be available in Salesforce? Those Marketo fields should be replaced with the Salesforce fields and the data migrated over.
  • Lead and Contact fields with matching API names will map over to a single field in Marketo, but those with different API names won't (even if their friendly names match). Support can map these latter fields together for you, but they can't if used in any assets, so plan time into your project to take that into account.
  • Don't sync over every field on the Lead, Contact, Account, or Opportunity objects - just sync those you'll need to edit/reference in Marketo. This will ensure a faster sync between the two systems - why sync data you don't need?

It's quick to setup the integration, but be sure both systems are in the ready to do so.

Marketo Employee

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

Hi Brianne, here are few articles I've written about Marketo's integration with SFDC.

Resources for Learning about the Marketo Integration with SFDC

All the tips above by your fellow community members are excellent. Thanks!

Level 1

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

Excellent! I'll be sure to share with my Salesforce Admin. Thanks, Brian!

Level 2

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

I don't think i would use the professional services. It's pretty straightforward and you end up doing the work anyway. i agree will everyone's tips.

a couple more i don't think I saw.

give enough time. we synced 2+million and it took about three weeks. We contacted support and were able to have the speed increased a little bit.

the sync filter might also be a good tool. but be careful that you fully understand the field's capabilities and limitations. a sync filter will allow you to control the flow of records over.

Level 6

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

Yes, the sync filter! Make sure your SFDC admin takes into consideration new records and existing records that could newly qualify for the sync - so they can build a flow step that accommodates both cases. And last but not least, build an SOP for what should happen when a record no longer qualifies for the sync on both the Marketo and SFDC side.

Level 4

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

Hi Brianne,

I would suggest staying away from Marketo services because it is expensive. Integration heavily depends on if you have the processes clearly defined and if Salesforce data is in order.

We recently streamlined Marketo and Salesforce integration. It is NOT hard at all.

Happy to help you step by step. I am NOT a consulting agency. Will help you without any charge


Riz Alvi


Riz Alvi
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Integrating with SFDC, help!!

In terms of using Marketo professional services, I think that you should connect with someone in the services partner world before attempting this. Yes the sync itself is easy, but if you have been using Marketo standalone for quite some time and are now looking to sync with Salesforce, there's some complexities in terms of what duplicate fields and data you can expect to see that you may wish to talk through with someone who has done this many times before. Even if you just work with someone upfront to give you technical and strategic advice and warn you what to expect, I think this will serve you well in the long run.