Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Level 4

Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Are other people having to constantly refresh due to Marketo getting stuck saying  "Saving Smart"? This happens to me all the time even if I wait several beats after seeing the save finish. And I even see it when I've done nothing at all to a smart campaign's smart list. I have reported this in the Feedback for the new user interface but I'm surprised more people haven't chimed in there. For me, it's so bad in Firefox that I started using Marketo only with Chrome. But even in Chrome I see this message a ridiculous number of times. I used to wonder if it was something about my internet connection but a couple of months or so ago I upgraded to a dramatically higher bandwidth connection and that made no difference. Just wondering if others are being driving crazy by the same problem.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

I know you have access to a variety of Marketo instances but this is happening on one or two in particular? For me, while the message is not unfamiliar, across the 10 or so instances I hit regularly there’s only one that shows a tendency. Clients call it “the bad instance.” 🙂

Level 4

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

I see this all the time on all 3 instances that I access regularly.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Hmm, open a support case and see if your instance is underpowered?

Level 5

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

I get this a lot in multiple instances as well. It happens less if you click away from the filter/trigger you are editing. As long as the mouse is not in any of the text areas of a filter/trigger, this does not happen.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Actually, the issue is mostly to do with giving the Auto Save the chance to complete. In the top right corner you can see the auto save working. Indeed, click away from the field you were updating and wait for the Auto Save to complete. Generally the issue will be much less that way.

Sometimes it also helps to first click on a different tab in the same smart campaign before clicking on a different asset or smart campaign.

Level 4

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Hi @Katja_Keesom  - I'm seeing this all the time despite waiting for the save to complete (I've used different logins in Marketo over the years so my "level" makes me look like I'm new to Marketo but I've got > 9 years of experience). 

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

In that case I would indeed raise a ticket and have Marketo have a look. I do have it fairly regularly in all instances I work with, but these little hacks usually keep it to a minimum. If it still persists there might be something happening that does need fixing.

Level 4

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

Hi @Katja_Keesom - You say "I do have it fairly regularly in all instances I work with." Given that, I wish you would vote for the issue in "Feedback." I am seeing the issue regularly in 4 Marketo instances - not infrequently when I haven't touched the smart campaign for 10-15 minutes or so. The other users in these instances see it too. I have logged ticket(s) with Marketo Support on this but they are having a hard time figuring out what's going on and don't seem to be able to replicate the issue themselves.

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Infernal Saving Smart List Error

And if you are interested, it is possible to ask the community platform owner to carry your Nation profile across from a previous login to your new one