Important Change to form Prefill

Level 3

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

Thank You, Greg! Peronsally, I've been pretty vocal about this issue, publicly on the original thread and privately directly to my reps and product support and yet they still wont address the elepahnt in the room. Our subs center relys on this feature to show people what they have already subscribed to from a content prospective. While the functionality will work when they click on our subs center link at the bottom of our emails, we also use the subs center externally on diff points of our site. Now people that are navigating to that subs center not from a Marketo link will not know what they are subscribed to. We just redid our subs center as well (spent dozens of consultant hours on it) to now have to redesign it or implement a fix. Really infuriating.

Level 3

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

Hi Albert Alvarez​ -- We also have points of entry to our email sub center from places other than an email link. Would love to hear how you and your team have decided to solve for this.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

If you want the old behavior, use my code that everybody's been linking to.

Level 3

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

I wish we would. I suggested it to my dev team but they weren't on board with it because, while it may be a sound solution, it is technically a hack that isn't supported by Marketo.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

Even Velocity code isn't supported by Marketo (as in: you can't open a Support case). So that's not really grounds for rejecting it IMO.

In any case, the only other way to work this is to detect whether the window.mktoPreFillFields object contains the Email field, and selectively hide/show 1 of 2 forms. One form shows all the fields for the user to manage (as native Pre-Fill is functional), the other form just has the Email so they can submit it and get an email that they in turn click. (All this, by the way, also won't be officially supported as it uses JS!)

Level 3

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

Hi Jessica,

Giving Sanford Whiteman​'s code a try for the short term (Thank you, Sanford!) We're thinking of moving our subs center completely off of Marketo as a longer term solution.

Level 7

Re: Important Change to form Prefill

Thank you, Greg! I bookmarked the article and put it on my "To read" list but your post elevated it in importance.
