Image Getting Cutoff in Outlook

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Level 3

Re: Image Getting Cutoff in Outlook

 I use Everest and Microsoft office software 16 to test. but the issue is the parent class that i am using in the table that have an extra class that causing the issue when I removed it is fixed. 

Level 10

Re: Image Getting Cutoff in Outlook

Most times that I've seen this issue where images do not display to their full height it is because there is a line-height set on the image parent element -- maybe that's the piece of the class that your removed that was causing an issue? If instead you omit the line-height rule and use a block-level element (I'd recommend a <div>) you shouldn't run into an issue like this. Most often this is a result of adding an image to an inline element like a <p> or <h2> or even a <table> or <td> that's styled like an inline element (eg. has line-height rule in CSS). 

The reason this happens in Outlook is that the line-height determines the box-model height for the contents of the container and then when you place an image into that "height", the top shows but the bottom gets cut off. 

Level 3

Re: Image Getting Cutoff in Outlook

I am using the outlook software.


one more thing it needs to be round but in outlook it is coming as square.  @Jasbir_Kaur  @Danielle_Wong @Dave_Roberts 






