Ignore non business days in wait step?

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Ignore non business days in wait step?

Our campaign is triggered and we want an email to get sent out 3 business days later. Anyone know of any workarounds to make this happen?

I am aware you can use advanced wait steps to make sure an email only sends during the weekdays, however I am curious if it is possible to create wait steps that only count business days and ignores the weekend?

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Ignore non business days in wait step?

Not really? Maybe if you use some of the Date math with Date tokens. You would need to stamp the Entry Date and then wait 72 hours off that, but also take into account business days. So this may require some sort of wait chaining.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Ignore non business days in wait step?

Patrick Ruppert, you should create an idea for this. For wait steps, instead of the usual "day" duration, there should be an additional duration option of "business day", which would only count Mondays through Fridays.

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