Re: Identify known unknown user among different Marketo List

Level 1

Identify known unknown user among different Marketo List



We are developing one of website in Wordpress and having lead data in different Marketo Lists.


We are using REST API however we need to check if the user who comes to the website pages is present in the database or not and get details of a known user already present in some other list in Marketo database and add to the present list.


Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Identify known unknown user among different Marketo List

What you're sounds like a recipe for a Denial of Service attack. You can't consume a Marketo API call for every untrusted pageview... the API doesn't have capacity for that, even for non-malicious actors!


Instead, you should use the Pre-Fill DTP approach, which is not subject to API rate limits. See

Level 1

Re: Identify known unknown user among different Marketo List

Thank you @SanfordWhiteman 
Unfortunately we are having such a requirement if user exists any Marketo List across Marketo account, it shouldn't have form visible and directly access further information on page. Pages are developed outside Marketo platform.

Do we have any tactic to identify users or with Munchkin code ?


Appeciate your response.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Identify known unknown user among different Marketo List

The Pre-Fill DTP code in the blog post allows you to deliver any such information to the browser. It's specifically designed for non-Marketo pages, though also works on Marketo LPs.


Using a webhook, you could manage a field on the lead that indicates whether they're currently in any lists.  Then that field can be on the DTP, allowing you to use it in a simple JS condition.


I'd add that "member of any static list" as a filter doesn't have inherent meaning in a Marketo instance. Membership in a suppression list, or in a one-off list used for an import, shouldn't give special weight to someone in the database — it's the same as just being "in the database." Deciding whether someone has elevated importance is what score and other fields, segmentations, specific programs, and specific lists are for. A person's segment(s), in particular can be surfaced directly on the DTP with no other processing necessary.