I sometime got a 401 error while loading a form on my website


I sometime got a 401 error while loading a form on my website


Like the title said some user have reported a 401 error while trying to accessing a form on our website. The problems seems to occur when the user has already filled the form and has a mkto cookie on his machine.

I was able to recreate the problem on my machine and was able to fix it by clearing my cookies but I cannot ask my customer to do that.

I ask our dev team to look into it and they came back blaming Marketo for the error.

Here's the link to the form:

What can cause this and what can be done to fix that?



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Marketo Employee

Re: I sometime got a 401 error while loading a form on my website

This page isn't using native Marketo form embed code so this is more likely a problem with how the form has been customized.