I'm creating an initial instance test with 10 super users. I'm looking for any suggestions on best practices for initial set up and ways to help first-timers understand the scope of Marketo.
There are many, many resources at your disposal. I found the best way to learn was just being in the platform and learning what every asset and program does. The Product Docs (Welcome to Marketo Docs - Marketo Docs - Product Docs) were a great place to start with the fundamentals.
Hello Kevin,
Here's the things I would do:
And of course, there is many more, but those are guidelines
Hi Kevin,
Alexandre's list is a really nice place to start. Adding on a few to think about/implement:
Good luck!
Hi Kevin,
Everything listed above is spot-on. One thing to come on top from a platform and scalability perspective is if you are syncing with CRM, to not bring all fields over in the initial sync. Customers often struggle with sync performance due to superfluous fields or objects which are not necessary to the Marketer.
Have the Marketing team provide a list of needed criteria to run their campaigns and review it with IT. It's better to start with fewer fields and periodically add more then to start with everything and have that unnecessary overhead.
I just wanted to say thank you to each of you for your input... These are very helpful for a first time 'installer'. I am planning a series of process doc's for my team of 'super users' that will discuss naming conventions and lead management (with a focus on 'source / ownership'). If any of you have any process docs that you can share, I will gladly reciprocate when I am finished with ours.
Thanks again!