Re: HTML Question - Gutter Space on Mobile

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HTML Question - Gutter Space on Mobile

I know this really isn't a Marketo question, but I've been Googling it for a year and even asked vendors for an explanation but have turned up nothing.

We do a lot of tweaks in Dreamweaver to our HTML for each of our email campaigns.  I find that when I copy over a version that looks good on desktop and mobile, I'll make some changes and all of a sudden, there's gutter space on the right and left in the mobile version.  I am sure there's a simple tag/code issue for this, but I have not been able to figure it out.  In some cases, it appears to be the table width that's been set and then using an image that's perhaps too big for the space.  But does anyone know why that might happen?  Is it removing particular table rows?

I know it's a bit vague without showing the code itself, but if you have any idea what I'm talking about and can help, I'd appreciate it.



Level 10

Re: HTML Question - Gutter Space on Mobile

Hi Runjini,

Without anything to look at in particular, it sounds an awful lot like a table cell either being too large with an element (you mentioned images, but I've seen links and other items cause it as well) or a colspan not being properly defined. But without anything concrete, we're mostly just talking in vague guesses.