How would I measure the success of a List

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How would I measure the success of a List

We purchased a few lists, and we would like to measure how well each list is doing, compared to the other. These lists will reside within the same program. What would be the best method to achieve this?
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Re: How would I measure the success of a List

One option is defining different emails and then send as
If member of list 1 send email 1, If member of list 2 send email 2 and so on.
You can then compare various metrics such as delivered, opened and clicked.

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Re: How would I measure the success of a List

You can also use a "List Purchase" channel with custom progressions (Sent, Delivered, *Engaged*-clicks, fills out form, visits web page, etc., Converted). 

With this option, I'd recommend creating two separate programs, one for each list. That way you can see how leads are engaging and converting on more activities than just email performance metrics.