Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

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How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

My company wants to stop marketing to all people from a company. They all have the same email domain. Is there a way to set up a smart campaign that could tell me which smart lists these leads are apart of and remove them from that list?
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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

Hi Niki,
you can build smart lists for "" but I don't see how you can search for more than 1 user with the same domain automatically.

But anyway, why do you think it's good to just send to one person per company???

Best regards


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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

I've been instructed that employees from a certain company should no longer recieve our marketing. Instead of looking them up individually to see which smart lists they are apart of and remove them, I thought I could build a smart list.
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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

Hi Niki,
okay sorry than I didn't understand correctly:

Just build a Smart Campaign, in the Smart list look for all contacts where email adress contains "" and in the flow either delete the lead or switch them to unsubscribed or do whatever you want with the lead.

But, you cannot "remove" them from a smart list, just from a list. A smart list is dynamic.

Best regards

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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

Also an idea if you want to keep them in the database but don't want to market to them, I would add onto the flow step of that smart campaign to make them "marketing suspended" (change data value, marketing suspended = true). That's typically what I do in that type of situtation.
Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

Hi Niki, 

Steffen's fix may or may not move remove them from the smart list, but it shouldn't matter if you just mark them unsubscribe or marketing suspended. Just to clarify, even if they are still a member of any smart list, they will not receive emails.

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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

I had to do the exact same thing. I created a smart campaign that runs daily and checks if company name contains x, if email address contains x and adds them to unsubscribe list and marks them as unsubscribe = true. This seemed to do the trick.
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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

I wouldn't do unsubscribe in the off chance that you might want to market to them again. Also it'll skew the numbers in your database, if that's something you run for your manager.

For instance, I like to look at my unsubscribe list vs. my subscribed list. The benefit of putting them in marketing suspended is that when you run this report, your unsubscribe is correct and let's you know how your emails are performing. 
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Re: How to tell which lists multiple leads are in

The other option could be to take the email domain and build a smart list pulling in all those contacts-You could then have that smart list be a source of exclusion for upcoming campaigns etc.  Dependent on how the workspaces are set up within your company.  For instance you may have a field marketer who says xyz is no longer their customer, however xyz is still John Does's customer.  If you flag them as unsubscribe or marketing suspended then John Doe would be missing out on targeting his customers.  You can also take the exported list of the email domain and perform a v-lookup to other  smart lists and eliminate that way-somewhat time consuming depending on Company size and number of smart lists.