How to setup program report subscriptions

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

How to setup program report subscriptions

I need to provide a daily program performance report to the campaign manager.  The report should look very similar to the program members report below.  But I don’t see any option to create a subscription here – where it would send a daily Excel file out.  How would I do this?

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Re: How to setup program report subscriptions


You would set up the subscription in the actual report. For example, if you added a report folder to your program, you add a Local Asset to the report folder and designate which report you want included. When you open that report, the Subscription function is the last tab at the top. You may need to familiarize yourself with the standard reports available or modify for this specific purpose. hope this helps.

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Re: How to setup program report subscriptions

Yes, Mike is correct. Here's a link to how to create a custom program performance report.
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Re: How to setup program report subscriptions

I think Dan is looking for a report that shows the names of the leads.  We currently do not support this feature.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to setup program report subscriptions

That's correct Cheryl. Is this feature on the roadmap? Is there an Idea that's already been submitted? I would think this would be a commonly requested capability.