how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

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how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

I'm trying to set up advanced filters to remove a job title and job function from a smart list. I still keep seeing job titles I have listed to remove. HELP!
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

What do you mean remove?

Actually change the data?

Or modify the smart list filters?
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Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

I'm looking to modify the smart list filters, but I can't seem to get it correct.
Level 10

Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

Can you post a screenshot of the filters you're using and what it isn't eliminating? Hard to troubleshoot without all the details.
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Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

I'm trying to remove any technician or installer job titles, and/or the job function of technician/installer.
Level 6

Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

Hi Nichole,

Create a separate Exclude smart list which holds your leads with filter Job Title is xyz OR Job function is xyz. Then create a new smart list using AND filter which would be Member of List AND Member of list NOT in EXCLUDE smart list, this way you would be able to track leads which you wish to exclude.

Hope this workaround works.



Level 10

Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

Not knowing the names that are slipping through, I'd probably start by saying "not contains" instead of "is not" in case the data is not consistent. You could probably even minimize it to not contains tech or install. Hope that helps!
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Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

I've already tried "not contains" and "is not" in the filter and these job titles are still coming through.
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Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

you might want to try removing the third filter - Job function (do not forget to edit advanced filter) and see if it will help bring you closer to the filter results you define. Also from the screenshot it looks like you have 22 titles defined in the Job title list, try reducing it to the three you mentioned and see if it provides accurate results . If it does not it might give us some clue for next steps
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Re: how to remove by job title/function from a smart list

I have the same issue. I am trying to filter a list by job title and have excluded certain words, and yet they still pop up in my smartlist. I cannot figure out why this is happening.