How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Level 2

How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

We would like to prevent employees from entering SF entirely. Does anyone know of a successful way to do this?

We've tried the 'Delete from SFDC' option but it doesn't work because it triggers pre existing work flows in Salesforce upon entry, even though they are deleted shortly thereafter.

The 'Change status to Not in program' does not work either.

I haven't found helpful info in product docs or on the forum. Seems like syncing parameters are limited at the work flow level. Reaching out to the experienced community for answers. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Level 10

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Hi Jenn,

This is quite difficult because there are a lot of implicit sync's in Marketo that will push the leads to SFDC even if you do not intend to. An example is if you synchronize programs with campaigns.

There are 2 fields that are absolutely mandatory in SFDC: last name and company name. If a new lead has neither of both, it will not be inserted in SFDC. So one solutions would be to clear the company name for employees.

You also can create some other fields and make the mandatory fo insertion, but this will also mean that you will have to make sure this field has a value before any attempt to push it to SFDC for all non employee leads. This will prevent your employees to push, but will also create some issues on real leads, in case where the blocking field has not been entered.

Another solution, probably the best one, would be to create a validation rule in SFDC  that forbids insertion of a lead when the email address domain or the company name are yours.


Not applicable

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Hi Jenn Rushalski​,

I would use a validation rule in Salesforce for this. We do that for Unsubscribes and Email Invalids and it works perfectly.


Carley Donovan

Level 5

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

We use SFDC validation rules that blocks updates to Lead/Contacts with a domain that matches our domain.  It could probably be expanded to run based on company name as well, but we use it only for domain.

Level 8

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Hi Jenn,

We have added the filter email address doesn't contain @domain name in all our Sync campaign. We made it as standard process for all developer to follow it. Also, we created additional field "Do Not sync" which helps both Marketo and Salesforce.

Please let me know if you need more details on this field.


Harish Gupta
Level 2

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Hi Harish,

Thanks for your reply!

Could you provide a screenshot of that work flow filter setup for @domain? I am interested to know where in MKTO those fields are applied. Is it at the global or campaign level?


Level 10

Re: How to prevent employees from syncing from MKTO to Salesforce?

Hi Jenn,

this is not the right way to go (sorry Harish) because you can never be sure that an implicit sync somewhere will not push the emplyees to SFDC.

The right way is to add a validation rule in SFDC to prevent any insertion from the Marketo user.
