How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

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How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

Hi fellow marketers,

We are thinking about to switching to doing full-on ABM and had a question. If we auto-convert leads into contacts under the named accounts, how can we preserve all the tracking data in Salesforce? For example, someone comes in as a lead with some marketing touches history. They are then auto-converted into a contact under a named account. Then there is an opportunity created from, say, a different contact under that account. How can we show the cumulative marketing touches, lead source, channels, and do any kind of ROI analysis?


Level 10

Re: How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

Hi Masha,

This is where Marketo Opportunity Analyser and program analyzer come handy:

  • In the opp Analyzer, you can add in the report any contact that belong to the account, whether or not they are attached to the oppy in SFDC
  • In the program analyzer, where mist of the ROI analysis can be done (unless you also have RCA) Marketo will take into account all contacts attached to the oppy, and will rely on opportunity creation

You will have to educate sales people to attach contacts to oppies though. One way to achieve this is to develop marketing campaigns specifically for contacts in oppies to help the sales and explain to the sales that only contacts attached to oppies will be targeted. You may also involve sales management to make them aware of the stakes so that they control their teams.

I also have some customers where Marketing does a regular review of all oppies and make sure that all relevant contacts are attached.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

This goes way beyond this though. Yes, this is a good base, but you really need to consider building out a full Offer-Channel system if you want to see all of this data.

As for tracking Lead conversions, the Contact will retain its membership in various Programs as well as SFDC Campaigns, so as long as you are doing that and what Greg said, you'll have some visibility into this.

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Re: How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

Josh, what do you mean by a full Offer-Channel system? Thanks.

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Re: How to preserve marketing influence info from leads to contacts to opps?

Gregoire, unfortunately, our sales people will forget to associate contacts with opportunities... I've run into this in the past.