Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

When adding a program to a stream in an engagement program, you need to specify the smart campaign to use:


Once we define the smart campaign, how do we go back an modify this program within the stream (e.g., select a different smart campaign)?
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Why would you want to chnage the smart campaign?

You should be able to adjust the Program settings by selecting it and clicking the gear icon on it. But your campaign has to have the Member of Engagement filter.
Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

If we needed to select a different smart campaign.  Clicking the gear icon does not have an option to modify this.
Not applicable

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

I have a semi-related question to this -

I set up an engagement program that uses emails as assets, rather than programs as assets. I would like to use programs as assets but I have a question about the smart campaign portion of the program.

What would the smart list, flow step, and schedule criteria be?
- Smart List: Wouldn't the Smart List just be "Added to Engagement Program"? If I layer in other criteria, would they actually apply to the engagement program (for example, if I made the smart list "Added to Engagement Program" and "First Name is Kim" would the Engagement Program rules supercede the Program Smart List rules, or fold them in?
- Flow Step: Would this be "Send Email"? Again, this feels kind of redundant given that the Engagement Program assumes email send.
- Schedule: Would the schedule mirror the cadence of the Engagement Program? Does it have to be a trigger? If I schedule it more often than the engagement program, which schedule 'wins'?

I see the benefit of using Programs as assets as opposed to Emails as assets to ensure that a prospect is not sent an email if they had already converted, etc.

But before I set this up, any feedback is appreciated - especially given the issue above that it looks difficult to change the associated lead processing Campaign.
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Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Hi Dan,

You could remove that Program/Campaign from the CEE stream, and then put it back, specifying the new campaign.

To Josh's point, why not just continue using the same Smart Campaign? I like the idea of it being completely flexible for you to change, but from a practical standpoint, I'm curious what the use case would be that you would need that available.

If for some reason you need to keep the old flow, you could clone the current campaign, leave the clone as is, and update your original campaign so it's still used by the CEE.

Hope that helps!
Not applicable

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Hi Kim,

"What would the smart list, flow step, and schedule criteria be?"
  • "Member of Engagement Program" filter. That's required for it to work.
"if I made the smart list "Added to Engagement Program" and "First Name is Kim" would the Engagement Program rules supercede the Program Smart List rules, or fold them in?"
  • I've never tested it, but my suspicion is ONLY people named Kim would get into that campaign. I'm not sure what side effects that might have. Say you do that with your first email in the Stream and you cast weekly... in week 1, Bob would likely not get any email. Would Bob get Email 2 in the stream, assuming you didnt also have a Kim filter for that smart campaign? Marketo doesn't cover these use cases in documentation, that I'm aware of. They simply say to use the 1 filter. If you need others, definitely make sure to test.

"Flow Step: Would this be "Send Email"? Again, this feels kind of redundant given that the Engagement Program assumes email send."

  • Yes, but you could also have other flow steps, namely "change program status."
"Schedule: Would the schedule mirror the cadence of the Engagement Program?"
  • Ignore the schedule tab. It will work without you having to set this at all. Marketo is planning to remove the Schedule tab completely from campaigns like this so it isn't confusing.
"Does it have to be a trigger? If I schedule it more often than the engagement program, which schedule 'wins'?"
  • It must be a filter as I described above. I do not know what would happen if you actually attempted to schedule it. As I said, don't configure the schedule tab at all in this case.
One major benefit of using Programs is if you have a resource center on your site. I've worked with multiple clients where filling out a form for a Nurturing resource triggers them being entered into Nurturing. For example, say there's a Direct Marketing Handbook featured on your site, which also happens to be Touch 3 in your Nurture program. If a lead fills out that form, they enter Nurture, and get touches 1, 2, 4, and 5 (skipping 3).

If you program the CEE with emails, there's no way to prevent the lead from getting Email 3. With Programs, you can make them a member of the "Touch 3" program, and the CEE will skip them, even though they haven't been sent Email 3.

Let me know if you have any other questions!


Not applicable

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Hi Dan,

Thanks so much for your thorough response. I'm going to transition to programs using the guidelines you outlined above.

My biggest concern is the second issue that you responded to above:
"if I made the smart list "Added to Engagement Program" and "First Name is Kim" would the Engagement Program rules supercede the Program Smart List rules, or fold them in?"
  • I've never tested it, but my suspicion is ONLY people named Kim would get into that campaign. I'm not sure what side effects that might have. Say you do that with your first email in the Stream and you cast weekly... in week 1, Bob would likely not get any email. Would Bob get Email 2 in the stream, assuming you didnt also have a Kim filter for that smart campaign? Marketo doesn't cover these use cases in documentation, that I'm aware of. They simply say to use the 1 filter. If you need others, definitely make sure to test.

I'm going to test this. Essentially, we've promoted assets several times in the past year to several populations, so the email assets are all different. We want to use the "Not Was Sent Email" filter to exclude those who have received any similar emails in the past.

Here goes nothing. I'll let you know how that test performs.

Not applicable

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Hi Kim,

The "not was sent email" filter is not necessary. A better option is if a lead is sent that email, make them a member of the Program in question. When you put Programs into a CEE stream, the CEE logic will check 2 things:

1. Did the lead already trigger this item in the stream?
2. Are they a member of that Program?

If EITHER is true, they will skip that content. My recommendation is when you do send them a particular email, update their Program Status to "sent email" or something to that effect. It will serve the same purpose as your "not was sent email" but I believe its cleaner and less error prone.

Let me know if you need any clarification.

Marketo Employee

Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

I need clarification.

Let's say I have 5 programs in a stream.  If the smart campaign in all of those programs is "Member of Engagement Program" then how do I stop them from picking up everyone who's in that engagement program? Theoretically, it could simulatenously launch all 5 of those programs as soon as I activate the campaigns to run them.

Robb Barrett
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Re: How to modify smart campaign for programs in engagement programs

Hi Robb,

Fortunately, no, it won't launch all 5 simply based on that filter. All that filter does is make them eligible to be in the Engagement Program's Streams. Once they're in the Stream, different logic takes over that isn't displayed.

In your example, think of the Stream as 1 flow step with 5 choices... if eligible for Program 1's email, send Email 1. All other steps will be skipped. Next time your Stream runs, it will see that lead is not eligible for Program 1's email, but is for Program 2, and send that 1. A lead will only get 1 of the emails in the Stream per launch.