Re: How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

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How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

Does anyone know if Marketo allows some function to template campaigns and then migrate those campaign as a template from one Marketo instance to another Marketo instance?

We have a campaign library with number of campaigns and would like to migrate this campaign library to another Marketo client instance with a click of a button.

Appreciate if I can get some help or related documentation available on this.



Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

You should move this and your other question to Products​. This place is for discussing the Champs incentive program itself, not support.

Level 10

Re: How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

+1 on Sanford, please move it.

You cannot move a smart campaign but you can clone a whole program. You will have first to ask support to connect the 2 instances. Once this is done, you will be able to "import" the program in the target instance, from the source one.


Not applicable

Re: How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

Thanks Greg and Sanford for quick reply. I've moved it to Products.

Grégoire Michel​ - Is it also possible to clone the whole Marketo instance to another, i.e. including custom DB fields, custom objects, data and programs?

Level 10

Re: How to migrate a smart campaign from one Marketo instance to another

AFAIK, you can ask support to do this for you.

Some things will not be "clonable" though, typically anything that relate to the CRM integration.
