I have a custom field named 'AdCampaign'. The field type is String. The data is captured from Google Adwords for this field. Although the maximum length allowed for string field types is 255 characters, the name of the ad campaign gets cut when it's integrated on Marketo. How do I address this?
Please post a link to the landing page from which this occurs.
Bonjour Nida,
We do not have access to you Marketo instance. I meant the public URL.
Do you want me to share the link of the Adwords landing page? If yes, here it is: http://info.astera.com/Google-Ads-Landing-Pages_Salesforce-Connector-Old.html?utm_source=google&utm...
Are you trying to pull in the all the utm tags (utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Salesforce%20Data%20Integration&utm_content=salesforce%20data%20migration&utm_term=%7Bkeyword%7D&utm_product=Centerprise) or just the utm_campaign tag (Salesforce%20Data%20Integration)? If it is just the campaign tag, the 250 should be more than enough.
The only way to get more would to change the field to a text area field but I doubt you would want to do that.
You should've sent a link to a URL with the form, actually, since it isn't clear where the truncation is happening.
Are you (as Jason wonders) mapping the query parameter utm_campaign to AdCampaign__c? Please show us the actual page and an example of an original value and its stored/truncated equivalent.