Hi, I have a very simple Marketo form where someone fills out (amongst other things) their address.
We use Address Line 1, 2 & 3 rather than the 'Address' field.
On the form, Add 1 & 2 are compulsory fields and 3 is not.
In the following example, someone fills out the form, who is already on the database and has changed address
Address Line 1 1 The High Street 21 Harbour Road
Address Line 2 Botley Portsmouth
Address Line 3 Southampton *this field is left blank*
As Marketo will not overwrite actual data with a blank, how can I make sure that Address Line 3 does not stay "Southampton" and becomes a blank?
An excellent question and one that isn't asked enough IMO (that is, people don't understand how the default behavior affects their data health).
A deep explanation is at Clearing lead fields based on unanswered form questions.
For the case of a text field, use this custom Forms JS code, listing your fields in the emptyToNull array.
MktoForms2.whenReady(function(form) {
var userConfig = {
emptyToNull: ["AddressLine2", "AddressLine3"]
/* --- No need to edit below this line! --- */
var formEl = form.getFormElem()[0];
form.onSubmit(function(form) {
var currentValues = form.getValues(),
mktoFieldsObj = {};
.filter(function(fieldName) {
return (
currentValues[fieldName] == "" &&
userConfig.emptyToNull.indexOf(fieldName) != -1
.forEach(function(fieldName) {
mktoFieldsObj[fieldName] = "NULL";
formEl.querySelector("[name='" + fieldName + "']").style.color = "transparent";